By using this website you agree to the terms and conditions listed below. We’ve tried to keep them as simple as possible.
‘Rachel and Mark’, ‘us’ or ‘we’ refer to the owner of the website. ‘You’, ‘The Customer’ and ‘The Visitor’ refer to anyone using this website or service.
These terms and conditions will be changed and updated to furthur improve our complience and help layout what we collect and how we are safely managing it. Customers who have purchased a subscription service will be notified of major changes.
Terms of Use
We have put certain security measures in place with make infection of this website with viruses very unlikely, however we cannot guarentee the security of this website and we are not liable for any damage or loss from the use of this website.
All of the content, prices and information in this website are correct to the best of our knowledge. We are not liable for use of any incorrect information, and we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and to change prices. Please note though that any price increases would come with plenty of warnings. Our services are not designed to make profit, but to offer simplicity and security to our clients.
Any external links are used at the visitors risk. We are not responsible for the websites we link to, and do not explicitly recommend their services.
The content, layout, logos and ideas of this website are copyrighted and owned by Rachel and Mark unless otherwise stated. None of this content can be reproduced without permission.
We use standard cookies which allow us to remember what you add to your “basket.” We also use the annonomas tracking service Google Analytics to monitor how many people are using our website. See Google Analytic’s terms of service for more information about the service.
By purchasing a service from us, you agree to the following terms and conditions. All the information we have access to as a result of providing these services fall under our privacy policy
Hosting: The website hosting that we provide comes with certain limitations due to the low cost. For most small to medium sized websites, there will be no issue, however large and unusual spikes of traffic can cause temporary issues such as downtime. We are not responsible for these issues, but can provide advice on what server to upgrade to and how to migrate a website. Our hosting is provided by Smart Hosting, so by agreeing to these terms and conditions, you are also agreeing to their terms and conditions and privacy policy.
Maintenance: Every effort will be taken to protect your website and restore it if needed, however any loss of data or downtime which occur are not our responsibility and we recommend that you keep your own separate backups and carry out best practice for protecting the website and your customers data.
Analytics: All reports given are correct to the best of our knowledge and contain advice based on current knowledge of UX and web best practices.
SEO: Advice and guidence will be given for improving a websites performance based on extensive research and latest known information. Search engines are constantly changing their algorithms, so we cannot be held liable for the advice we give. If the advice we give is implemented correctly and has a universal negative impact then we will offer a full refund for the relavent period.
Website Changes: As part of our Advanced and Premium support plans we offer minor website changes. Examples of these changes might be:
- Switching a site logo
- Changing the size of an image
- Adding or removing a block of text
These are subject to our definition of what a ‘minor change’ constitutes. If you have multiple changes available we may allow larger changes to take the place of multiple minor change ‘credits’. We may also allow these ‘credits’ to roll over from year to year, or be used in advance if needed. With all of these options, they are purely at our discretion. we reserve the right to refuse a change or offer an additional quote to cover these changes.
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